Golden Mummies of Egypt
March 6—July 11, 2021
East Building, Level B, Meymandi Exhibition Gallery
Golden Mummies presents eight extraordinary mummies and explores beliefs about the afterlife during the era when Egypt was part of the Greek and Roman worlds (circa 300 B.C.E.–200 C.E.).
In a series of lavishly illustrated thematic sections, the exhibition uses the outstanding collections of the Manchester Museum to allow visitors to examine life for the wealthy in multicultural Roman Egypt, where diverse Egyptian, Roman, and Greek communities and cultural influences were blended. The exhibition journey traces expectations for the afterlife and introduces cultural constructions of identity, strikingly demonstrated by the haunting painted panel portraits. The practices of preservation and decoration of the body, and the transformation of the deceased into a god, are spectacularly shown by the mummies on display.

Golden Mummies of Egypt is developed and produced by Nomad Exhibitions. In Raleigh additional support for this exhibition is made possible, in part, by the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources; the North Carolina Museum of Art Foundation, Inc.; and the William R. Kenan Jr. Endowment for Educational Exhibitions.

The NCMA thanks our Media Sponsor: Capitol Broadcasting Company, Inc., and WRAL-TV and the Golden Mummies of Egypt Leadership Committee for their support of this exhibition:
Presenting Sponsors
Nancy and Ron McFarlane
Carol and Rick McNeel
Supporting Sponsors
Anna and Jim Romano
Participating Sponsors
Connie and Elliot Bossen
Kristin and John Replogle