
City of Sunflowers

The North Carolina Museum of Art and Dorothea Dix Park have partnered to make Raleigh the City of Sunflowers in 2021.

The NCMA’s 2.5-acre sunflower field, first planted in 2018, is located near the intersection of the Blue Loop and Meadow trails and includes a mix of colorful sunflowers, cosmos, and zinnias. The field features walk-through paths and makes a stunning backdrop in the Museum Park. New for 2021 the Museum Park has a second sunflower planting located below the Ellipse.

The five-acre sunflower field at Dix Park, which debuted in 2018 but was canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic, is back. It is an interdepartmental city project involving Raleigh Water; Office of Sustainability; and Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources. Paths through the field provide a closeup look at the sunflowers and a view of the Raleigh skyline. After the bloom is over, Raleigh Water harvests the sunflower seeds for biofuel.

The Museum Park and Dix Park are connected via the Rocky Branch and Reedy Creek greenway trails. Both locations are home to Citrix Cycle bike rental stations.

Visitors can also learn more at dixpark.org/sunflowers.

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