27 September East Building, SECU Auditorium Opening Lecture: Dr. Stefano Carboni Speaks on Venice and the Ottoman Empire
28 September East Building, SECU Auditorium Artist Conversation: Dr. Valerie Hillings and Natvar Bhavsar
06 October East Building, SECU Auditorium Friends of Greek Art Lecture—From the Stage to the Grave: The Distinctive Imagery of South Italian Vase Painting
10 November East Building, SECU Auditorium Kanof Lecture: More than Just Mosaics: The Ancient Synagogue at Huqoq in Israel’s Galilee
13 November East Building, SECU Auditorium Humber Lecture: Empire, Commerce and Faith in the Venetian-Ottoman Borderlands
24 November East Building, SECU Auditorium Lecture—Samurai as Patrons: Governance, Martial Arts, and Zen Buddhism in 17th-Century Japan