

Spring 2022 Billboards: The Mountains to Sea Tale, Claire Alexandre

April—September 2022
Ann and Jim Goodnight Museum Park

In mixed-media paintings and street art, multifaceted creative Claire Alexandre develops detailed portraits infused with notions of struggle and strength that exist at the intersection between environmental, gender, and racial justice.

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Spring 2022 Billboards: The Mountains to Sea Tale, Claire Alexandre represents the three major local ecosystems of North Carolina—the Blue Ridge Mountains, Piedmont, and Atlantic coastal plain. Through her exploration of the physical and cultural North Carolinian landscape, Alexandre conveys a sense of sacredness to our relationship with the wild and how natural environments are never and have never been devoid of human touch or impact.

Courtesy of the artist and made possible by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina as part of an ongoing series of outdoor art projects, Art Has No Boundaries, commissioned by the NCMA to encourage visitors to actively explore the Museum Park

Claire Alexandre, Adaptation from The Mountains to Sea Tale series, 2022, acrylic on canvas, Courtesy the artist

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