


October 1—31, 2021
Ann and Jim Goodnight Museum Park

Persevere, an outdoor exhibition that is part of the Click! Photography Festival, seeks to know how photography helped people survive 2020–21. For many the camera served as a tool of therapeutic intervention during the pandemic. Whether a cell phone, DSLR, or 4 × 5, it helped rebalance and care for emotional, spiritual, artistic, and mental needs. The process of creating a photographic image soothed our souls.

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Persevere is a selection of responses not only to the failures and ruptures in our world but also testaments to how we expressed love and cared for ourselves and each other. The exhibition’s images serve as evidence of photography’s intervention in and interpretation of challenging times.

Find the exhibition off the path from the Blue Ridge lot to West Building.

In addition to the images exhibited in the Museum Park during October, all images submitted for consideration will be shown in slide-show events before Titus Brooks Heagins’s keynote lecture at the Museum on October 10, at the Click! Photo Fair in Durham on October 17, and in the windows of the 21c Museum Hotel, Durham, through the month of October.

The NCMA is also sponsoring several other events related to the Click! Photography Festival.

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Kathleen Pace, Hello Sun, Courtesy of the artist

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