Pop-Up Art: Exploring Egúngúns
Enjoy the fun of drop-in art-making activities for all ages popping up across the Museum galleries. This month, discover the dazzling masquerade costumes on view in the special exhibition Powers Concealed: Egúngúns from Africa and America and create your own embellished textile panel.
Image: Yoruba artists, Ogbomosho, Oyo State, Nigeria, Egúngúns Masquerade Ensemble (paka egúngún), circa 1930—50, cloth, wood, and buttons, H. approx. 60 in., Purchased with funds provided through a bequest from Lucile E. Moorman
For More Information:
(919) 715-5923
Wednesday through Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm

For More Information:
(919) 715-5923
Wednesday through Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm