
Hone Your Voice: Creative Writing at the NCMA

Are you a creative writer? This class is for you. Would you like to be? This class is for you too! Whether you’re a brand-new or seasoned writer, this workshop will help you hone your voice.

The class begins with an overview of the genre of literary responses to visual art, called ekphrasis, and offers practical suggestions for getting started (15–20 minutes). Participants disperse to choose a work of art in one of the galleries and write (45 minutes). The group then reconvenes to discuss their experience and, if they choose, share parts of their work (25–30 minutes). Taught by Dr. Helena Feder, editor of the book You Are the River (NCMA) and associate editor of the magazine Tar River Poetry.

Please bring a notebook/paper and pens to class. Students are free to write on any subject, in response to any work in the Museum, in either poetry or prose. Flash fiction is encouraged!

September’s workshop is loosely themed Light. October’s workshop is loosely themed Pastorals. November’s workshop is loosely themed Harvest Gratitude.

Photo: Josefina Farhat


Oct 03, 2024


10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


$30 Members, $35 Nonmembers


East Building, Studios

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Ticket Information:
Tickets go on sale August 8 at 10 am.
For More Information:
(919) 715-5923
Wednesday through Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm
Ticket Information:
Tickets go on sale August 8 at 10 am.
For More Information:
(919) 715-5923
Wednesday through Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm
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