Artful Story Time in ASL

Join us for a lively story time inspired by art! Come look, listen, and move as we make connections with original works of art and children’s books. Best for ages 2 and up with adult caregivers.
This bilingual session is led by Sharon Lott in American Sign Language (ASL) with English interpretation. We welcome all families to this inclusive story time!
About the presenter
Sharon Lott, MS, MA, is a retired ASL training and evaluation coordinator at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology. Locally, she has taught at Central Piedmont Community College, Lenior-Rhyne College, Western Piedmont Community College, Gardner-Webb University, Appalachian State University, and Eastern Kentucky University and was a staff development specialist at North Carolina School for the Deaf (NCSD) and Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf (ENCSD). She has three children and is a proud grandmother.
Photo: Courtney Klemens